Policies - Kelsale-cum-Carlton Parish Council

A field of lupins to the rear of a house in Kelsale
South Devon cow looking to camera
Lupins at The Forge
South Devon cows in the Parish 2
Village Hall photo 3
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The Parish Council has a significant number of responsibilities, across a broad range of subjects. As a result it develops and adopts Policies to ensure that it discharges these responsibilities in ways that are aligned with other authorities and bodies across the public sector.

These policies are available below for viewing or downloading, they will each open in a new window.

Data Protection Statement [pdfa] – Adopted August 2023

Kelsale-cum-Carlton Parish Council is committed to complying not only with the letter but also the spirit of Data Protection Legislation. The accuracy and security of your personal information is a key responsibility of the Council and is recognised as an overriding factor in securing your trust and confidence. You can access the full Data Protection Statement here. It will open in a new page.

Data Protection Subject Access Request Form [pdfa] – Adopted July 2023

Data under the terms of the Data Protection Act 2018, a data subject has the right to access to personal data relating to themselves that is held by the Council in electronic format and/or manual records forming part of a ‘relevant filing system’. You can obtain a copy of the Subject-Access-Request Form here and it will open in a new page.

Data Protection Subject Access Request Policy [pdfa] – Adopted July 2023

Data under the terms of the Data Protection Act 2018, a data subject has the right to personal data relating to themselves that is held by the Council in electronic format and/or manual records forming part of a ‘relevant filing system’. You can obtain a copy of the Subject Access Request Policy here and it will open in a new page.

Data Protection Subject Access Request Procedure [pdfa] – Adopted July 2023

Data under the terms of the Data Protection Act 2018, a data subject has the right to access to personal data relating to themselves that is held by the Council in electronic format and/or manual records forming part of the ‘relevant filing system’. You can obtain a copy of the Subject Access Request Procedure the Council uses here and it will open in a new page.

Data Retention Policy [pdfa] – Adopted June 2024

This Retention Policy applies to Kelsale-cum-Carlton Parish Council (KcCPC) and covers all records and documentation, whether analogue or digital and are subject to the retention requirements of this Policy. You can access the full Data Retention Policy here. It will open in a new page.

Privacy Notice [pdfa] – Adopted January 2024

The Council will from time to time find it necessary to refer to personal information to enable it to carry out its responsibilities. This Policy sets out how the Council deals with the personal data and how it seeks to safeguard the privacy of the individual.

Data Breach Policy [pdfa] – Adopted June 2024

GDPR defines a personal data breach as a “breach of security leading to accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure of, or access to, personal data transmitted, sotred or otherwise processed’. You can access the full Data Breach Policy here. It will open in a new page.

GDPR Risk Assessment [pdfa] – Adopted October 2023

To further safeguard individuals, the Council undertook a GDPR Risk Assessment in November 2019 to identify and mitigate risks likely to infringe the seven principles of GDPR. The updated assessment is available here and will open in anew page.

Donations Policy [pdfa] – Adopted June 2024

The Council has formalised the basis on which it makes donations to organisations and Charities. A full copy of this Policy is available here. It will open in a new page.

Complaints Policy [pdfa] – Adopted June 2024

The Council hopes that it will not receive complaints but does nevertheless have a Policy that sets out how it will handle an instance where a complaint arises. This policy is available to view or download and will open in a separate window.

Freedom of Information Policy [pdfa] – Adopted September 2020

In line with the Information Commissioner’s Model Publication Scheme, the Council recognises its obligations in respect to the Freedom of Information Act. The ICO’s Model Publication Scheme may be viewed or downloaded here. It will open in a new page.

The derived Freedom of Information Policy adopted by the Council may be viewed or downloaded here and will open in a new window

Electronic Communication Policy [pdfa] – Adopted February 2024

The Council understands that digital and electronic communication may enable it to interact in a manner that improves the communications both within the Council and between the Council and the people, businesses and agencies it works with and serves. To ensure that the Council and Councillors meet the appropriate standards when using these mediums it has adopted an Electronic Communication Policy, it is available here to view or download. This policy will be opened in a new window.

Social Media Protocol [pdfa] – Adopted January 2024

The Council recognises that Social Media has many benefits to many people. It also recognises that the use of Social Media can carry considerable risks whether unwittingly or otherwise. In order to assist Councillors in the use of Social Media whilst conducting Council business, the Council has adopted a Social Media Protocil that can be accessed here and will open in a separate page.

Health and Safety Policy [pdfa] – Adopted September 2023

The Council recognises and accepts its duty as an employer to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of all its employees and any members of the public likely to be affected by its activities as a local authority. The Council will take all reasonable and preacticable measures to meet this responsibility. The Councils Health and Safety Policy is available to view or download here and will open in a new window.

Equality & Diversity Policy [pdfa] – Adopted September 2023

The Council is committed to complying with the current and future legislation with regard to diversity and equality. The Parish Council believes that meeting the needs of our residents. Councillors and staff can only be achieved through recognising and appreciating the value of each individual. A copy of the Equality and Diversity Policy of the Council is available to view or download here and will open in a new page.

Code of Conduct for Councillors [pdfa] – Adopted May 2024

The Council have  adopted the LGA Code of Conduct  applicable to Town and Parish Councillors in Suffolk and as such are bound by it. A copy of this code is available to view or download here and will open in a new page.

Discipline & Grievance Policy [pdfa] – Adopted January 2024

The Council have defined and adopted a Policy and Procedures which aims to facilitate speedy, fair and consistent solutions to an individual employee’s employment grievance(s) or disciplinary status. A copy is available to view or download here and will open in a new page.

Safeguarding Policy [pdfa] – Adopted January 2021

The Council believes everyone has a duty to safeguard children, young people and vulnerable adults. This policy promotes good practice in safeguarding for Councillors, Council Employees and Agents or Contractors to the Council. Additionally it is recomthose using Parish Council facilities. A viewable or downloadable copy is available here and will open in a new page.

Pre-Planning Consultation Protocol – Adopted January 2023

The Parish Council recognises that there are circumstances when a developer may consult with the Parish Council before the developer has submitted a planning application to the local planning authority and the Parish Council is asked by the planning authority to make representations about the application (Paragraph 8 of Schedule 1 to the Town & Country Planning Act 1990). A Viewable or downloadable copy of the Parish Council Protocal is available here and will open in a new page.

Other Policies

From time to time the Council is impacted by the Policies of other bodies that directly impact the residents. Consequently the Council publish these policies for information.

SCC Verge Cutting Policy – June 2018

A copy of the SCC Highways Verge Cutting Policy, revised in June 2018 is available here for viewing or downloading. This will open in a new page.


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