Finance Documents - Kelsale-cum-Carlton Parish Council

A field of lupins to the rear of a house in Kelsale
South Devon cow looking to camera
Lupins at The Forge
South Devon cows in the Parish 2
Village Hall photo 3
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Financial budgeting, planning, monitoring and reporting are vital elements of the Council’s responsibility to residents.

The following documents form a transparent framework, enabling interested parties to scrutinise the way in which the Council spends the annual Precept, collected through the Council Tax.

Financial Year 2025-26

A copy of the agreed Budget for Kelsale-cum-Carlton Parish Council for the financial year 2025-26 can be found here and is available for viewing or downloading. It will open in a new window.

Financial Year 2024-25

A copy of the agreed Budget for Kelsale-cum-Carlton Parish Council for the financial year 2024-25 cn be found here and is available for viewing or downloading. It will open in a new window.

The basis in which the Council manages its finances is set out in the New Model 2024 Financial Regulations. The 2024-25 Financial Regulations adopted in May 2024 can be accessed here and will open in a new page.

A copy of the  Finance & Governance Risk Assessment can be found here and is available for viewing or downloading.

Quarterly Accounts to 30.06.24

Quarterly Accounts to 30.09.24

Financial Year 2023-2024

Kelsale cum Carlton PC Internal Audit Report 2024

A copy of the agreed Budget  for Kelsale-cum-Carlton Parish Council for the financial year 2023-24 can be found here and is available for viewing or downloading. It will open in a new window.

The basis in which the Council manages its finances is set out in the Financial regulations. The 2023-24 Financial Regulations adopted in February 2024 can be accessed here and will open in a new page.

A copy of the Finance & Governance Risk Assessment can be found here and is available for viewing or downloading here.

Quarterly Account – End June 2023

Quarterly Account – End Sept 23

Quarterly Account – End Dec 2023 

A copy of the Council’s Asset Register for 2023-24 will be found here and open in a new page.

a copy of the Internal Control Statement 2023-24 can be viewed or downloaded here and will open in a new page.

Councils are required to submit an Annual-CIL-Statement detailing payments received from and refunds made to the CIL. A copy of this report 2023/24 is available here and will open in a new window.

Kelsale-cum-Carlton Parish Council  Internal Audit Report 2024

Internal Audit Signed 2023-24

Notice of Public Rights 2023-24


SF0224 S3

Notice of conclusion of audit

Financial Year 2022-23

SF0224 S3

Notice of conclusion of audit

A copy of the End of year 2022-23 accounts can be viewed or downloaded here. It will open in a new page.

AGAR Form 2022-23

SF0224 S3 External Audit report 2022-23

Kelsale-cum-Carlton Internal Audit Report 2022-23

Kelsale-cum-Carlton AIAR 2022-23

A copy of the Council’s Asset Register for 2022-23 will be found here and will open in a new window.

The basis on which the Council manages its finances is set out in the Financial Regulations. The 2022-23 Financial Regulations adopted in February can be accessed here and will open in a new window.

A copy of the agreed Budget for Kelsale-cum-Carlton Parish Council for the financial year 2022-23 can be found here and is available for viewing or downloading. It will open in a new window.

Councils are required to submit an Annual Report detailing payments received from and refunds made to the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). A copy of this report for 2022/2023 is available here and will open in a new window.

A copy of the Internal control statement 2022-23 can be viewed or downloaded here. It will open in a new page.

The Quarter 1 performance to budget report can be viewed or downloaded here. It will open in a new page.

The Quarter 2 performance to budget report can be viewed or downloaded here. It will open in a new page.

The Quarter 3 performance to budget report can be viewed or downloaded here. It will open in a new page.

Notice of Public Rights 2022-23

Financial Year 2021-22

SF0224 FRC

SF0224 IS3 2021-22

Notice of conclusion of Audit 2021-22

Kelsale cum Carlton Parish Council SALC Internal Audit 2021-2022 Report

Public Rights Notice 2021-22

A copy of the SF0224 AGAR (5) will be found here and open in a new page.

A copy of the Council’s Asset Register for 2021-2022 will be found here and will open in a new window.

Councils are required to submit an annual report detailing payments received from and refunds made to the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). A copy of this report for 2020-21 is available here and will open in a new window

A copy of the Statement of accounts 01-04-21 – 31-03-22 is available to view or download here and will open in a new page.

A copy of the 2021-22 Internal Control Statement can be viewed or downloaded here. It will open in a new page.

The basis on which the Council manages its finances is set out in the Financial Regulations. The 2021-22 Financial Regulations adopted in February can be accessed here and will open in a new window.

A copy of the Opening Balances for the Budget 2021-22 is available to view or download here and will open in a new page

A copy of the 2021-22 Finance & Governence Risk Assessment is available to view or download here and will open in a new page

The Quarter 1 performance to budget report can be viewed or downloaded here. It will open in a new page.

The Quarter 2 performance to budget report can be viewed or downloaded here. It will open in a new page.

The Quarter 3 performance to budget report can be viewed or downloaded here. It will open in a new page.

The Quarter 4 performance to budget report can be viewed or downloaded here. It will open in a new page

Financial Year 2020-21

Public Rights Notice 2020-21

A copy of the 2020-21 Kelsale cum Carlton Parish Council’s Section 1 – Annual Governance Statement can be accessed here and is available to view or download here and will open in a new window

A copy of the 2020-21 Kelsale cum Carlton Parish Council Notice of Conclusion of Audit can be accessed here and is available to view or download here and will open in a new window

A copy of the 2020-21 Kelsale cum Carlton Parish Council’s External Auditor Report and Certificate can be accessed here and is available to view or download here and will open in a new window.

A copy of the Kelsale-cum-Carlton Parish Councils Internal Audit Report for 2020-2021 can be viewed or downloaded here. It will open in a new page.

A copy of the Kelsale-cum-Carlton Parish Councils AGAR – End of year 2020-21 report can be viewed or downloaded here. It will open in a new page.

Councils are required to submit an annual report detailing payments received from and refunds made to the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). A copy of this report for 2020-2021 is available here and will open in a new window.

A copy of the 2020-21 Internal Control Statement can be viewed or downloaded here. It will open in a new page

The 2020-21 Year End performance to budget report can be viewed or downloaded here. It will open in a new page

The basis on which the Council manages its finances is set out in the Financial Regulations. The 2020 Financial Regulations adopted in February can be accessed here and will open in a new window.

The budget for the 2020-21 Financial Year was developed during the Autumn of 2019 and agreed at the February meeting of the Council. A copy of the agreed budget is available here and will open in a new page.

To provide total transparency a copy of the Minutes of the February meeting of the Council can be found here, with Minute 10.20 confirming the 2020-21 Budget. This will open in a new window.

The Quarter 1 performance to budget report can be viewed or downloaded here. It will open in a new page.

The Quarter 2 performance to budget report can be viewed or downloaded here. It will open in a new page.

The Quarter 3 performance to budget report can be viewed or downloaded here. It will open in a new page.

Financial Year 2019-20

It is required by the national audit process that Councils advise the auditors of any variances. This forms part of the AGAR report, a copy of the 2019-20 variances report can be viewed or downloaded here. This will open in a new window

Councils are required to submit an Annual Report detailing payments received from and refunds made to the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). A copy of this report for 2019-20 is available here and will open in a new window.

The Council has to annually agree and adopt an Internal Control Statement, a copy of the 2019_2020 Statement is available here and will open in a new window.

A copy of the December 2018 Council Minutes are available here confirming the agreed budget for 2019-20. These will open in a new window and the relevant Minute is 10.7

A copy of the 2019-20 agreed budget is available here and will open in a new window.

A copy of the Q1 2019-20 Budget Monitoring Report is available here and will open in a new window.

A copy of the Q2 2019-20 Budget Monitoring Report is available here and will open in a new window.

A copy of the Q3 2019-20 Budget Monitoring Report is available here and will open in a new window.

A copy of the Q4 2019-20 Budget Monitoring Report is available here and will open in a new window.

Financial Year 2018-19

A copy of the Annual-CIL-Report for 2018-19 can be accessed here and will open in a new window.

A copy of the Year End Bank Reconciliation for the 2018-19 Financial Year can be accessed here and will open in a new window.

It is required by the national audit process that Councils advise the auditors of any variances. This forms part of the AGAR report, a copy of the 2018-19 variances report can be viewed or downloaded here. This will open in a new window

A copy of the Annual Return of the Councils Statement of Accounts can be accessed here and will open in a new window.

A copy of the Review of the Effectiveness of the Internal Audit for 2018-19 can be found here and will open in a new window.

A copy of the Review of the Councils Internal Financial Control can be found here and will open in a new page.

A copy of the Internal Control Statement adopted for the 2018/2019 Financial Year can be found here and will open in a new window.

A copy of the Council’s Asset Register for 2018/2019 will be found here and will open in a new window

Financial Year 2017-18

A copy of the Annual-CIL-Report for 2017-18 can be accessed here and will open in a new window.

A copy of the External Audit Report & Certificate for 2017/2018 Financial Year is available here and will open in a new window.

A copy of the 2017/2018 Financial Year Accounts can be accessed here and will open in a new window




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