The Parish Council has been advised that Badger Homes will be operating traffic managment (24hr traffic signals) on Main Road commencing 26th April 2021 for 8 weeks whilst ‘outfall drains’ are constructed
Category: Parish News
Sizewell C at the Planning Inspectorate is underway….
23rd March saw the first steps on the path to the SZC proposals being considered by the Planning Inspectorate.
In a two day ‘Teams” marathon, the Planning Inspectorate sought to lay out the process under which the proposals from EDF would be examined.
In so doing a wide range of interested parties were able to comment and …
Read more Sizewell C at the Planning Inspectorate is underway….
Update from Saxmundham Surgery
The Parish Council representative on the Saxmundham Surgery PPG attended the recent meeting and thought the following information may be useful to residents of Kelsale-cum-Carlton.
News article on Astra Zeneca vaccine causing blood clots: 37 cases had been recorded out of 70 million doses and none of these could definitively be linked to the vaccination. Unfortunately …
COVID-19 – Saxmundham Testing Centre
The Saxmundham Testing Centre is now open:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 7:00am to 11:00am and on Thursday from 3:00pm to 7:00pm.
Location is The Market Hall, Saxmundham, IP17 1AF
Please remember to get tested if you have the slightest doubt or even if you don’t have symptoms and you want to find out for the safety …
British Horse Society ‘Dead Slow’ Road Safety Campaign
With an increasing number of reported incidents involving horses and vehicles, the BHS are building on their solid foundation of road safety education and campaigning to make drivers aware of what to do when they encounter horses on the road.
The BHS collates statistics each year to understand the rate of incidents involving horses and riders …
Read more British Horse Society ‘Dead Slow’ Road Safety Campaign
Kelsale Recreation Ground welcomes considerate visitors…
With outdoor sports resuming the Parish Council remind visitors to Kelsale Recreation Ground and the Carlton Play Area that dogs must remain on a lead at all times. Owners are also reminded that any ‘mess’ must be ‘bagged’ and placed in the nearest ‘fido’ bin, or taken home for disposal.
Benhall Badgers are likely to be …
Read more Kelsale Recreation Ground welcomes considerate visitors…
Annual Parish Meeting 2021
Despite the first steps being taken on the road back to a form of ‘normality’, it is with regret that the Parish Council have decided that the APM will not be held until the Government pathway permits.
Notices will be published as to when and where the rearranged APM will take place.
Please keep an eye on …
Local farmers want your help…
A group of local farmers are seeking help from all Kelsale-cum-Carlton residents in respect to the proposed Sizewell Link Road.
You may not be aware but the proposed route would take away a huge swathe of some of the most productive agricultural land in the area, and make it very difficult for the farms to remain …
Preliminary Meeting on SZC with the Planning Inspectorate…
Tuesday 23rd and Wednesday the 24th saw representatives of many East Suffolk Parish Councils, local groups and respresentatives from the RSPB, Environment Agency, local farmers and many more in day long virtual sessions of the Planning Inspectorates Preliminary Meeting via Microsoft ‘Teams’.
Cllr Galloway participated on the Parish Councils behalf and worked will colleagues from East …
Read more Preliminary Meeting on SZC with the Planning Inspectorate…
EDF are surveying for bugs, critters and plants
Contractors working for Sizewell C Co are undertaking a programme of surveys.
Starting week commencing Monday 29 March, teams of ecologists will be out doing a variety of ecological surveys, including for bats, great crested newts and breeding birds.
Surveys will take place at a variety of times of day but often very early in the morning …